Friday, July 11, 2008

Sorry no pictures today

Today I went to The Chestnut House in Newark, OH to help some ladies there make some handmade cards. My Aunt is an RN there and she scheduled me to come in and originally scrapbook but they had no pictures so we decided to make cards. It was so much fun! So much fun that I forgot to get pictures..ooops. Next time I go there will defintally be more picture taking. The ladies were so much fun and I am seriously considering changing my career plans. My original plans for the last few years were to be a speech pathologists but since my aunt and mom are graduated/graduating from a local RN program it seems like a rewarding job to have. But on with this survey I decided to put on here:
1. Where is your cell phone? on the desk
2. Your significant other? at work
3. Your hair? a mess from all the heat
4. Your mother? laying on her bed
5. Your father? getting a shower
6. Your favorite thing? my camera
7. Your dream last night? didn't have one
8 Your favorite drink? OJ or Water
9. Your dream/goal? be a photographer
10. The room you’re in? kitchen
11. Your hobby? Scrapbooking, taking pictures
12. Your fear? Drowning
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? In my own house starting a family
14. What you’re not? full
15. Muffins? blueberry
16. One of your wish list items? Can0n Rebel
17. Where you grew up? Nashport OH
18. The last thing you did? ate a bowl of lucky charms
19. What are you wearing? jeans and a black turtleneck short sleeve
20. Favorite gadget? camera and new phone (LG Rumor)
21. Your pets? 1 dog Diesel, Horses
22. Your computer? Its A Dell
23. Your mood? Fulfilled
24. Missing someone? sorta
25. Your car? 1993 Nissan Pickup (dream car: VW Bug)
26. Something you’re not wearing? shoes
27. Favorite store? Hobby Lobby and vanity
28. Like someone? more than like ;)
29. Your favorite color? green
30. When is the last time you laughed? I found myself laughing so much today ;)
31. Last time you cried? don't remember guess thats a good thing

Now everyone have a great weekend and I will try to make the next post have pictures on it!
Love Always, Brittany

Monday, July 7, 2008

Sweet Summertime

I am getting ready to go to work right now but thought I would post some pictures that I edited last night from our family vacation to the Outerbanks. We stayed in Corolla, NC and had a huge house for all 19 of us. Enjoy going through these but also take a chance to look at my other post and go through my archives. Thanks and have a great monday ;)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

A Little Bit Of What We Did This Weekend

So on Friday I got called off of work so I got to spend it with the family at our place on the river. My Aunt and Uncle bought some fireworks and put off a great show. On Saturday I had to work but then Mom, Dad, Jonathan and I went to Salt Fork to see my Grandparents who were camping there. We rode bikes, sat around the camp site, ate an amazing meal and then watched fireworks at Seneca Lake. Today we went to church, came home, went back in town and we all got new phones (it was so exciting for some reason), had lunch/supper at Pizza Hut, and when we got home Anthony, Jonathan and I went fishing at the lake by our house. All in all it was a great weekend. So here are some pictures that I snapped this weekend. Enjoy.

Hope everyone had an amazing Fourth of July weekend and take it easy for this week of work.
Take Care

Friday, July 4, 2008

New Blog...introducing BC Photography

Hello everyone!
Welcome to my photography blog :) Although I am far from a professional photographer, I have dreams of being one someday. I enjoy taking pictures and having my picture taken. Anything and everything that has to do with cameras in general interests me. Everyone has told me that I really need to get into photography so here it is. I am only 17 years old but everyone has to start somewhere. What I enjoy most is taking the pictures to capture the memories for years down the road. I am also a scrapbooker, so you will probably see some of my "scrappy" work on here. I hope you can enjoy my blog and soon I will have some more work on here! On July 19th I get to do my first wedding for a family friend so be on the look out for those pictures. Well I hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July and be careful when playing around all the fireworks.
-Brittany Christine
BC Photographer